So we are making a new record and that's nice, we like that. I can think of no better reason to actually make a record anyway. It will take us a while but that's good. It gives us more time to actually think about the whole story that surrounds our music. Despite the fact that we have always tried to come up with a plan or a story, in reality such ideas are hard to maintain. This time we are pondering on a storyline that will immerse the listener in our world.
People help. Well, they really do help us. Yesterday evening we spent some quality time with our friend Ritzo ten Cate from . He is helping us to become more of an entrepeneur. Although this might seem to deviate from our path of 'just making music' it actually gives us an insight in our own plans, hopes, dreams and maybe fears?
Plan your story, set your goals. Talking about dead dogs, the roman empire and the centre of our musical gravity. Sounds weird? You might actually be suprised how pieces do fit together in the end...